On January 18th, in the building of the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the main coordinator of the project, an introductory meeting with the project partners took place. The project LasApp: Breakthrough Laser Technologies for Smart Manufacturing, Space and Bio-Tech Applications succeeded in a tough competition in the Excellent Research call of the Programme Johannes Amos Comenius, co-financed by the European Union. The project started on 1 January 2024 and will run until 2028.

The LasApp project primarily develops existing state-of-the-art laser technologies, for which it is looking for completely new application directions with the potential for breakthrough solutions on an international scale. The project will result in excellent scientific outputs including outputs with application potential. The project will lead to the internationalisation of laser technology research, the development of excellent teams and international cooperation. It will be important to have a broad collaboration with other institutes in the Czech Republic by creating a distributed infrastructure covering and coordinating research and development activities in the field of cutting-edge laser technologies, both in the research of advanced laser radiation sources and their potential use for smart processing and refinement of materials for circular economy, space and biomedical applications.
Programme of the LasApp project kick-off meeting (18 January 2024, Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Chaberská 1014/57, Prague 8)
Introductory part
- 12:00 lunch
- 12:30-13:30 lab tours of the Fiber Lasers and Nonlinear Optics research team
Main part
- 13:30-14:00 registration
- 14:00-14:15 Pavel Peterka: Presentation of the project, its objectives and planned results
- 14:15-14:25 Tomáš Mocek: HiLASE experience in large infrastructure projects
- 14:25-14:50 Lukáš Masopust and Václav Svoboda: Project and financial management of the LasApp project
- 14:50-15:05 Jan Aubrecht: Data management plan
- 15:05-15:30 Coffee break
- 15:30-15:45 Pavel Honzátko: Fiber lasers (VZ1 Advanced optical fiber technologies and applications)
- 15:45-16:00 Martin Smrž: Thin-fiber lasers (VZ2 Laser applications in space)
- 16:00-16:15 Zdena Palková: VZ3 Laser applications in biotechnology
- 16:15-16:30 Sunil Pathak & Jan Brajer: VZ4 Smart laser manufacturing
- 16:30-16:35 Pavel Peterka: Closing remarks
- 16:35-(18:00) Discussion, opportunity for working team meetings